Добавлено: Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:21 pm Заголовок сообщения:
Сахарисса - это еще и вот эта дама, про брата которой я сейчас пишу курсовую:
Про нее слагал стихи некий поэт Эдмунд Уаллер. Примерно такие:
Fair! fellow servant may your gentle ear
Prove more propitious to my slighted care
Than the bright dame1 we serve for her relief
Vex d with the long expressions of my grief
Receive these plaints nor will her high disdain
Forbid my humble muse to court her train
So in those nations which the sun adore
Some modest Persian or some weak ey d Moor
No higher dares advance his dazzled sight
Than to some gilded cloud which near the light
Of their ascending God adorns the east
And graced with his beams out shines the rest
Thy skilful hand contributes to our woe
And whets those arrows which confound us so
A thousand Cupids in those curls do sit
Those curious nets thy slender fingers knit
The graces put not more exactly on
Th attire of Venus when the ball she won
Sacharissa by thy care is drest
When all our youth prefers her to the rest
You the soft season know when best her mind
May be to pity or to love inclin d
In some well chosen hour supply his fear
Whose hopeless love durst never tempt the ear
Of that stern goddess you her priest declare
What offerings may propitiate the fair
Rich orient pearl bright stones that ne er decay
Or polish d lines which longer last than they
For if I thought she took delight in those
To where the cheerful morn does first disclose
The shady night removing with her beams
Wing d with bold love I d fly to fetch such gemsi
But since her eyes her teeth her lip excels
All that is found in mines or fishes shells j
Her nobler part as far exceeding these
None but immortal gifts her mind should please
The shining jewels Greece and Troy bestow d
On Sparta's Queen her lovely neck did load
And snowy wrists hut when the town was bum d
Those fading glories were to ashes tum d
Her beauty too had pcrish d and her fame
Had not the muse redecm d them from the flame.
(The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper Including the Series Edited with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical Авторы: Alexander Chalmers, Samuel Johnson)
Fair! that you may truly know
What you unto Thyrsis owe
I will tell you how I do
Sacharissa love and you.
Joy salutes me when I set
My blest eyes on Amoret
But with wonder I am strook
While I on the other look
If sweet Amoret complains
I have sense of all her pains
But for
Sacharissa I
Do not grieve but die.
Но вот как произносится не знаю. Как-то в англоязычном ЖЖшном коммьнити это обсуждали, но к единому мнению, насколько я помню, не пришли.
No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: he is always convinced that it says what he means.